Thursday, April 1, 2010

lady crazy song

Thanks lady gaga for singing the song. finally i found the theme song for this entry, The Awakening.

Lately I've been living in my past... is it because all I've been doing is just work and I never had the time for some other things. like something new that's why I dwell so much in the past? even my cigarette break.. either I'm thinking of an action plan for my team or I'm thinking of him... three years have past and I am wide awake and well aware that it not healthy... miss him much? not really.. more of the thought of being with someone? perhaps... afraid of getting older alone? more likely.. hahahah what am I thinking? blame the moon for it is at its whole... awooooh!

crap him... I should be thinking of someone else... something new... I'm tired of that past... I have learned from it. summer has just started.. what's the game plan? uhhhmmmm eye_spy, u there? uuhhhmmmm... oh no I have nothing in my list.... emergency! hahahah

well, this is a crazy post... bottom line is.. I love you lady gaga for this song! I was just speechless holding that glass of beer when he said, I dont love you.. on my birthday!

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