Friday, April 10, 2009

so called Barkada...

I have been with several group friends. I think its just part of growing up. But like most bands,
even the most popular ones are disbanded even at the height of their career say for example Spice Girls and N’sync. (note: this is just an example, I’m not into bands)

Back in high school, I was lucky to be part of the popular group. Well, I don’t really need luck because I’m born to stand out anyway (proven and tested… although, lately I kind of shun the limelight). I said lucky because I was a transferee. I guess it is but a normal to feel scared to be part of a new pride.

The Click. It was a mix group gifted with beauty and brains. Most kids thought I was a snob. Okay, okay, okay… I’m maybe because I chose friends. So I let them.

I was a math wizard. My brothers and sisters are all engineers that explain why. But not the geeky type though, you know the type that is slim, with lousy over sized shirt with bushy uncombed hair and to match everything, who wears thick glasses? Definitely, not me! I was a classic dresser not the flashy type, nor the trendy one. I was simple with a good posture.

They say if you can’t beat them, join them, right? They sensed that I was cool and they couldn’t seem to beat me. So they invited me to one of their Saturday meet ups. Instantly we clicked! See, I didn’t have to work my way in really hard like those loser neophytes who beat their ass to be included.

Then, we were known as ruthless. I guess, by ignoring those dirty rats made us ruthless already! We didn’t intentionally hurt schoolmates like those in over-rated high school drama movies; I think they were just innately stupid.

Fast forward >>> we graduated… parted ways…

We are still good friends… we meet once a month for a good dinner… we have a doctor, a lawyer, an accountant and I became an engineer!

Then I started with this call center industry that am currently working, I've been with lot of groups but then again got disbanded… People just leave… Friends come and go… There was this Breakfast Club. Most of them left to Singapore.

There was also the famous KRIMINALS. Some people feared us. Some called us untouchables… The hell I don’t know…I mean the deal with people with inferiority complex... I guess because of our strong personalities. We just bonded really although no outsiders allowed. However, eventually, we parted.

My latest coven… the so-called DIVAS

Over time, our friendship has been tested. Oh yes we had cat fights, backstabbing and claws scratching. We may have different personalities and views in life but we clicked. We are bonded as hard as glue. And with all the turmoil we remain friends.

Four gorgeous Divas, who can walk the walk and I mean that literally. Watched us walk that runway, shoulder to shoulder, like goddesses we glide. Time will stop to watch us. Okay I’m exaggerating. We are not really the seductresses from hell who can lure all the guys in the bar or that plastic group cliché from high school. But when we are together:

“We party like a rock star, look like movie stars, play like all-star, fuck like porn stars, oh baby, we are your Superstars”

We are Ms Bitch, Ms Promiscuous, Ms Pretentious and yours truly Ms Mean.

Mean? How did I become Mean? I’m not mean… Okay sometimes…


I lost my chain of thoughts... Part 2 ko na lang... I'm tired...


Sounds too gay... oh well the art of creative writing...


May art ba talaga? also hindi rin cya creative... let me think


I am MEAN! bwahahahha


  1. hahaha..

    you are so happy!

    well i dont know bout ur clique since im a social pariah but seriously????????? you are mean!!!

  2. It's nice to belong to cliques. I was always in one because it is just the way I am, socially skilled. Lol. I can also stand on my own but it's nice to always have friends when you're shopping etc.
